Arsaln announces to contest for mayorship announces resign from SACM

Fareed Soomro
SUKKUR: Special Assistant to Chief Minister Sheikh Arslan announced to take part in municipal elections and given resigned from his post.
During a press conference at the Sukkur Deputy Commissioner’s Office, Arsalan Islam Sheikh also claimed that development work has been done during his mayorship which had not been done as much the last 30 years. He said that he was not, 100% satisfied with his performance, but I have tried to improve in good faith and I have achieved fifty percent improvement. As Special Assistant to the Chief Minister of Sindh, he has tried to solve the drinking water problem of Sukkur city and had approved a scheme in this regard. Inactive filter plants have been activated in the city which has solved some of the water problems in the short term, he claimed. He also informed that Land also allotted for new cemetery in Sukkur. He said that conspiracies were hatched to get him failed during his mayorship and told that also foiled the plot to submerge Sukkur city. Despite all the conspiracies, he continued his service and tried to fulfill the promises he had made while assuming the post of Special Assistant, Arsalan added. However, now I am resigning from the post of Special Assistant so that his opponents do not accuse him of using government machinery, he informed. He said that the final decision of local body candidates had not been taken by PPP in Sukkur yet.