Civil Hospital management blamed for illegal sale of medicine

By our correspondent
SUKKUR: People in Sukkur are badly affected by the rain and flood. Uncountable diseases have targeted the masses on the majority level. The government has completely failed to provide health facilities to the citizens. Even though the civil hospital Sukkur has failed to facilitate the rain and flood affected people of the region. People are looking for help because of lack the of medicine. Having a sixty cror budget to hospital expenses for medicine and treatment, the hospital is unable to provide health and care. It is a matter of shame that it has revealed that the medicine of two cror is sold to the party of district Mansehra. In this matter male nurse and in charge of the store Irshad Ahmed Pathan is allegedly top on the list to illegal sale of the medicine. Resultantly, letters are sent to secretary finance, health department. NAB Sukkur, media department have also received the complaints of the shortage of medicines. The civil society is on the stage of protesting to provide the basic health facilities to public at the need of an hour.