Influential people illegally cut canals to save their gardens and lands.

By our correspondent
MORO: The indifference of the influential people in Nowshehro Feroze, illegally cut canals to save their gardens and lands.
Rainwater has turned into a flash flood in Nowshehro Feroze, more than 500 villages have been submerged, while more than 100,000 citizens have been affected.
A 20-feet wide crack has occurred in the safety embankment of Dal Nahar in Bhan Saeedabad, cracks have occurred at different places on the Indus Link canal embankment adjacent to the city.
At this point, the water started moving rapidly towards the populated areas, more than 70 villages of Union Council Bhambha and Sheikh were inundated.
Cotton, potato and onion fields have been submerged in the area, hundreds of villages in Padaidan are still standing under several feet of water.
On the other hand, after the water level in the Indus River decreased, the water of Manchhar Lake, which caused floods, started entering the Indus River.
According to the Inhar Department, the release of lake water from Ural Head and Tail continues into the Indus River, the water pressure has ended at the Mehar Ring Dam and the water level here has decreased by 3 to 5 inches.
In Khairpur Nathan Shah, the water level is also gradually decreasing, the water level in the areas adjacent to the Khairpur Nathan Shah Indus Highway also started decreasing.
Water pressure continues in ring-banded Juhi, villages of Kachhu have been cut off from land connection to Tehsil headquarters Juhi for 40 days.