Lawyers observed black day against May 12 tragedy

Fareed Soomro
SUKKUR: Lawyers observed black day in Sukkur against the 12th May tragedy in Karachi. they demand to expose the violence, the conspiracy and arrest of the accused. A protest was held in the premises of the Sessions Court under the leadership of lawyer leader Sardar Qurban Kalwar and others and on this occasion they shouted slogans, the lawyers said that the terrorists attacked former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Iftikhar Chaudhry during the tenure of former General President Pervez Musharraf. Innocent citizens were killed and lawyers were burnt alive by playing Bloody Holi, but till date no one accused has been arrested and the case has been kept under cold , they told. The lawyers have demanded that the accused of tragedy of May 12 should be arrested as the conspiracy could be exposed.