Open manholes in Sukkur city started extinguishing the lights of human lives

Dr Abdul Waheed
SUKKUR: Due to the criminal negligence and carelessness of the Sukkur Municipal Corporation, the Public Health Department and the elected representatives, the water supply and drainage problems of Sukkur, the third largest city of Sindh, have not been solved for the past several months, while the open manholes in most areas of the city have become a threat to their lives.
Due to the incompetence of the Sukkur Municipal Corporation, the open manholes in the city have become a colony of danger for human lives. Due to the open manholes, accidents occur every day.
Due to the criminal negligence and carelessness of Sukkur Municipal Corporation, Department of Public Health and elected representatives, the solution to the water supply and drainage problems of Sukkur, has not been completed for the past several months.
Opened manholes in most areas of the city are becoming a threat to the lives of the citizens, but despite the complaints, the Sukkur administration and elected representatives are not paying attention.
After the commercial and business centers of the city, most of the sewers are open on the main roads and highways of the city and incidents of falling and injuries of citizens are happening frequently.
Many children have fallen victim to manholes between the footpaths and roads of Sukkur due to lack of covers, while the residents of the area are also forced to live in severe agony.
Due to the increase in accidents due to open manholes, social and political personalities of the city have expressed their anger and demanded the Sindh government to take immediate notice.
Civic and social circles have demanded the Chief Justice, Provincial Local Government Minister, Local Government Secretary, Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner, Administrator and elected representatives to solve the problems on priority basis.