Patients get substandard food at Civil hospital Sukkur
Due to the political influence in the civil hospital, the environment has become very bad, so the patients cannot get proper treatment,

Dr Abdul Waheed
SUKKUR: The patients who are admitted to Civil Hospital Sukkur, suffer as they are served with stale and rotten food. According to the menu list, the patients are supposed to get good-quality food items. Virtually, they are given substandard food.
Patients are reportedly given substandard food and the contractor has been working without a tender for six months in Ghulam Mohammad Mehr Medical College Civil Hospital, Sukkur, . A female patient while crying against such mismanagement of hospital said that since the month she spent in the civil hospital, she had, she used to eat potato bread in her meal, and the patient started suffering from the disease due to the bad smell.
Instead of giving more than one and a half million rupees, the government of Sindh has seen a corruption of crores of rupees, and despite this, the contractor saves crores of rupees and gives substandard food. Bad smell and substandard ghee, patata, onion and other spices are very bad, despite what the hospital administration is doing and paying bribes, it is difficult to play with human life.
Due to the political influence in the civil hospital, the environment has become very bad, so the patients cannot get proper treatment, so the poor and helpless people should be given practical assistance and the corrupt contractors should be removed, action should be taken against the corrupt staff in the civil hospital. The patients should be given standard meals according to the menu, and clean water should be given along with fruit so that the sick patients can recover quickly and go home and pray.
According to field sources, after serving noon and night food items, the excess items are provided on the following day with newly cooked items.
Some patients complained, foul-smelling stale and rotted food items are also distributed.
Most of the patients were seen bringing in food from hotels.
Critically sick patients need all time servicing by their relatives. In this case, their relatives have to leave them lonely to bring in food from hotels. It increases the suffering of their patients