Police totally fail to control Street crimes in Sukkur

Ahsan Baloch
SUKKUR: 60 percent of street crimes in Sukkur district are related to drug addicts. The police seem to be unable to eliminate the big drug dens in district. The increasing drug sales in city is also causing an increase in street crimes, drug addicts commit theft and robbery to satisfy their addiction. Government has also declared drug addicts to be responsible for 60 percent of street crimes, but the police seem to be unable to eradicate the big drug dens in district. A large number of addicted criminals are actually addicted to drugs, drug dens and street crimes are increasing equally in the city. Currently. Drugs are being sold openly in Nawab Goth, Bus stand, and Pano Akil areas. Citizens say that the police should take real action against drug dealers to end the supply of drugs in Sukkur.