Rally organized against law and order deterioration in Sukkur

Ahsan Baloch
SUKKUR: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf District Sukkur organized a rally against the deteriorating law and order situation in Sukkur, inflation and the from Ayub Gate to the Press Club and a dharna was held at the Press Club in Sukkur. PTI workers and civil society including leaders of various political, social, religious, lawyers, business organizations participated in the rally. Civil society representatives including advocate Zaheer Babar, sultan Lashari, Advocate Qurban Ali Kalor, Mir Khan Chachar, Zakir Bandhani, Asif Siddiqui were doing this. On this occasion, the above-mentioned leaders blamed the SSP for the unrest in Sukkur and said that there are incidents of theft, robbery, and kidnapping, but the culture of the police station is poor and people’s FIRs are not registered. SSPs, DSPs and e SHOs should go out in the city and protect the people, if there is a rally against the police, instead of reforming themselves, the police are organizing rallies in favor of the police, which clearly shows that everyone is working for their own interests. Drugs are being sold in the city, social evils are common, all these need attention, the protesters further said that they strongly condemned the poor and anti-people policies of the current government. The bread of the poor people has also been deprived, due to the increase in the prices of flour, ghee, sugar, pulses, medicines and petroleum products and other commodities not daily but on an hourly basis, people are starving in their homes. The experiment of government change have destroyed the economy, inflation and unemployment have caused serious economic problems to the people, especially the poor and the middle class, the law and order situation in Sindh has deteriorated, killings, robberies, robberies have become common. Considering themselves insecure, the flood victims are waiting for helpless government assistance, but unfortunately, the people do not see a happy situation, which is a complete oppression and abuse of the people. The leaders asked the higher authorities to control the rising inflation and unemployment. He strongly demanded to take serious and effective measures to control the deteriorating law and order situation, to provide relief to the flood victims and the public.