Sukkur’ Live stock department endeavors to protect animal herds

Fareed Soomro
SUKKUR: A vigorous campaign has been launched by Sukkur live stock department to promote the Livestock health in various parts of the district to ensure that farmers can benefit from a preventative animal health approach.
Talking to Indus News.One Dr Mukhtiar Noonari told that the Sukkur live stock department campaign aims to make the most of the potential of vaccines to help improve animal welfare.
He further said Sindh Government seeks to increase the productivity of the herd and flock, as well as positively impact the sustainability of the agricultural sector.
The campaign supports farmers and other industry professionals with the information they need to make decisions on vaccinating their animals, Dr Noonari added.
Massive monsoon flooding has followed a severe drought in Sindh province, with experts saying that climate change is making farming ‘more challenging every passing day’.