Sukkur Police operation: abducted persons recovered

Fareed Soomro
SUKKUR: Sukkur police in a special operation recovered a abducted person from the captivity of dacoits were recovered during police encounter against the kidnappers here in Ghouspur area of Kandhkot on Saturday. As per details, the police raided at the kidnappers in Ghouspur area where Dacoits were changing the position of captive Ghulam Akbar khoso who were reportedly kidnapped a month ago on pretext of rent a car booking. On this juncture the police opened indiscriminate firing on the dacoits in result, police recovered abducted person Ghulam Akbar khoso while dacoits managed to flee. The police seized weapons from the dacoits possession. The residents of the area and relatives were very happy with the quick police action against the dacoits and was thankful to SSP Sukkur Sanghar Ali Malik and presented him a gift of flowers.