Sukkur police take out flag march ahead of Eid ul fatir

Fareed Soomro
SUKKUR: Sukkur police on monday conducted flag march in different parts of Sukkur to maintain law and order situation in the city, Indus reported.
According to spokesperson of the Sukkur police, flag march initiated from SSP office and carried out in different areas including Minara road, clock tower, Barrage road, Globe chowk and terminated at newly renamed Police post after the name of Shaheed ASI Gul Hassan Tagar. SSP Sanghar Ali Malik himself led the march by driving the motor cycle along with other police personnel which has encouraging sign for Sukkur police, and Sukkur traders appreciated the SSP step and presented flowers at various points. Later Dua and kulkhani held at police post where SSP Sukkur assured the citizens to get the involved culprits be soon arrested.